This should be treated almost as an encore, and a way to close out the performance.

John Hawthorne is back at the Rio International airport, escorted by Ernesto Carvalho, who is also with Waterbug and Luisa. John is leaving Brasil, mourning over the tragic loss of Helena.  He goes home with a new mission back in America–to work with his politician father to develop programs so future generations of inner city children aren’t abandoned.  He vows to change the system.


Welcome to Rio segue music in Ab.  John Hawthorne, Carvalho, Waterbug and Luisa walk into the airport departure zone.   Resolves to Am song line.


Carvalho                      Senhor Hawthorne, I am truly sorry for this loss you have suffered.

John Hawthorne

(Cutting him off)          Captain, you can honor me most by watching over this special


Carvalho                      Certainly.

Waterbug                    Hey, I thought that was my job.


 (In black, accompanied by Waterbug)

Young man, I got you into a good school, and this is where you                                          will stay…although I just might get lonely and have to see you once                               in a while.

John Hawthorne          We are all going to be lonely.

I will miss you both, and I will be back…but right now, I must have some long talks with my father. Something’s got to change.


Luisa                           I understand.  Still, I will keep you in my heart.

Here, take this photograph of Helena and keep it close to your heart as well.

(She hands John a photograph of Helena)


Airport Announcer:     Atensaw: Esta eh a uhtima shamada para o voo 7010 da Varig para Miami partindo do portao 35.  Attention:  This is the final boarding call for Varig Flight 904 Departing at 21:55 hours to Miami. Now leaving at gate 35.


John Hawthorne          (takes a long, hard look)   Good-bye for now.


He walks through security, and towards the tarmac, pauses to stare at the photo again.





Vocal                           Rio, I’ve got to leave you my mission’s begun.

I need my father, there’s work to be done.

This won’t be wasted, our tragic romance.

My country’s future deserves one more chance.


Rio, where education’s a matter of wealth.

Where it’s a privilege to pay for your health.

Yet still she showed me what people can be.

What God can show us if we could just see.


I close my eyes and I can see her in Rio

She whispers in my ear to see her in Rio

She reaches out to me to see her in Rio


The Problems the Same, No you Can’t Blame just

Rio DeJaneirio



John Hawthorne walks off the tarmac into the jet.  Airport staff continues to mill about the departure area.  A janitor is mopping the floor near the tarmac. Chorus off stage continues to sing:



Rio DeJaneirio


Rio Dejaneirio


Flamingo Guitar ends with percussion as lights fade and the music fades away.       A janitor starts mopping the floor.  Another flight is announced and more naïve passengers start to come off the tarmac as the lights dim.


Curtain calls–  Use the Welcome to Rio music; possibly play the Carnivale music afterward.


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